Ruzik ๐Ÿฟ

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Trip to Japan: places and activities
528ยท7/30/2023, 6:59โ€ฏPM

Hello again! I'm here again to tell about my planned places and activities that I'll be attending in Japan.

But before I continue, I'd like to say that idk why the previous blog post had the title it had, when I clearly only told about getting to Japan. This one will actually outline what I'm planning to do lol.

Another sidenote, idk what's up with weather forecasts (I don't follow them often), but the weathermen say that even after 3rd August it will be insanely hot in Japan with very little chance of it getting any better. Of course, it makes me sad, but either way I would not be able to book to another month, as my mid-term planning skills are basically non-existent, and my tourist visa is running out pretty soon.

My First Trip Plan

As I've mentioned in the previous post, my trip will start on 3rd August and end on 18th August. Finally, I would like to present my plan for the trip:

  • 4th August, arriving at Narita
  • 4th โ€“ 13th August, I will be mainly in Tokyo
  • 8th August, I will be visiting Sendai for Sendai Tanabata Matsuri festival
  • 12th August, I will be attending Comic Market (Comiket) 102, seeing my favourite artists I appreciated for a long time on Twitter ๐Ÿฅบ
  • 13th โ€“ 16th August, I will be in Nagoya visiting my friend and just chilling in a less lively city
  • 17th August, I will be returning to Tokyo to visit Pokemon Cafe! Getting a reservation for it was insanely hard, and I'm sure it will be worth it!
  • 18th August, departing from Narita

I'm also looking forward to any other events that would be fun to visit, if you have any ideas, please contact me! For those folks in Japan at that time, I wouldn't mind meeting up and chilling out if you're available!

My Comiket booths list

Now that I've mentioned visiting Comiket, I'll just dump my list of artists that I've seen publishing their Comiket booths:

If you know of any artists who draw kemono furry art of Pokemon fanart, please let me know too! I would love to visit as many artists as possible, and there is only one day to go through all of the booths.

That's all for now! I'll try to keep you all up-to-date! ๐Ÿ˜„

Imagine standing in a queue outside in the middle of a Japanese summer. I guess I am not avoiding thatโ€ฆ